Causes of the American Civil War
The American Civil War, also known as War between states began in 1861 and lasted till May 1865. This war threatened the unity and integrity of the nation. During these years, many differences arose between the States of the South and the federal government, supported by the states of the North.
Did you know, what were the causes of the American civil war?
The causes of the American Civil War were:
1. Difference in the Economic Structure of the Northern and Southern states
It is generally regarded as a struggle between the northern and southern states. The northern states were industrialized with many textile factories and manufacturing industries. The introduction of railways along with industrialization resulted in the rapid growth of towns and cities.
Due to this, northern states wanted to impose tariffs on imported goods to protect their industries from foreign competition. While the southern states were dependent on agriculture. The southern states wanted tax-free trade with Britain to get cheap manufactured goods in exchange for raw cotton. This led to the economic disparity between the two.
2. Problem of Slavery
Did you know why slavery was one of the causes of the American civil war?
When America was colonized, thousands of slaves from Africa were captured. In the United States, slavery first began in Virginia in 1619. Northerners considered slavery a blot on the name of their country while for the southerners, slaves were a vital part of their economy. The Anti-Slavery Movement of 1840 was a great threat to the South. The Republican Party was founded by the Northerners who hated slavery.
3. Territorial Expansion
With the expansion of industries in the USA, a large number of people from Britain, Germany, and Ireland settled in the northern states. The northerners wanted the new states to be free states but southerners wanted these to be slave states.
Thus, a movement for the abolition of slavery began in the North. The abolitionists strongly advocated the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 by which the runaway slaves had to be returned to their masters. Inspired by this Act, Harriet Beecher Stowe in her novel 'Uncle Tom's Cabin described the miserable condition of the slaves in America.
4. Fear of Republican Control
Did you know who was elected as President of the USA in the election of 1860?
In the 1860s, the election for the new President of the USA was held. In these elections, Abraham Lincoln contested as a candidate of the Republicans and Stephen Arnold Douglas stood as a Democratic candidate. Lincoln, who was the opponent of slavery was elected as the President of the USA.
This victory of Abraham Lincoln was considered a victory of the Northerners. It was a victory for the Anti-Slavery movement. Before Lincoln took office, seven southern states declared their secession from the union and established a Southern government, the Confederate States of America on February 9, 1861.
5. Question of States
Along with slavery, the Question of States' Rights was also among the causes of the American Civil War. The southern states wanted no interference by the Federal Government in state affairs. They reserved the right to reject any federal law which they did not like.
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