Exploring Civilisation
A Civilisation is any complex society characterized by urban development, social stratification imposed by a cultural elite, symbolic systems of communication, and a perceived separation from and domination over the natural environment.
Meaning of Civilisation
Humanity�s written history began with the Palaeolithic Era (Old stone age). Do you know, why the Palaeolithic and Neolithic period was known as the Stone Age? So, this period is known as the Stone Age because the stone was used to make tools in this period.
This period was followed by the Neo-lithic Era (the New stone age). During the Palaeolithic period, humans used stones to produce fire. With this development, they began using fire for heat and cooking.
What do you think was the importance of the Neolithic period?
During the Neolithic period, man discovered agriculture and with the discovery of agriculture, he learned how to domesticate animals such as sheep, goats for his use. Slowly, with the development of the brain, the man began thinking of new things and ideas. He learned how to read and write and then he began to use this knowledge to improve his lifestyle.
Thereafter, he thought about a settled society, better food, and better clothes for his leisure and to improve his life. A stage came when the man looked for more than just fulfillment of his basic needs, that stage is popularly termed as the stage of civilisation.
Let�s understand, what is civilization?
Civilisation is a society that has advanced in terms of social life, culture, and organization. It also refers to the culture of a complex society and not just the society itself. Every society has a specific set of ideas and customs and a certain set of manufacturers and arts that make it unique.
Do you know, which were some of the earliest Civilisations?
The earliest civilizations were �
� The Egyptian Civilisation on the banks of the river Nile.
� The Mesopotamian Civilisation on the banks of river Euphrates and Tigris.
� The Chinese Civilisation on the banks of river Hwang Ho.
� The Indus Valley Civilisation on the banks of river Indus.
Archaeological and literary sources provide us with information about these civilisations. For example, Archaeological and literary sources such as the ziggurat at Ur and the Epic of Gilgamesh provide us with information about Mesopotamian civilisation.
What does the word �Mesopotamia� mean?
Mesopotamia means �the land between the rivers� which is situated in Western
Characteristic Features of Civilisation
Civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos. Do you know, what are the distinguishing features of a civilization? Civilizations have been distinguished by their means of subsistence, types of livelihood, settlement patterns, forms of government, economic systems, literacy, and other cultural traits.
All civilizations have depended on agriculture for subsistence. Now, let us learn about the basic characteristics of civilization.
A civilization possesses certain basic characteristics which are:
� Towns and cities are present.
� Thriving agriculture (farming) results in surplus food production.
� Trade (the exchange of goods or services) and people specializing in trading activities flourished.
� Presence of many religious beliefs (the belief system of a civilization).
� Flourishing of art (creative and cultural expression through music, dance, paintings, etc.) and the existence of many art and craft forms.
� People communicate through language in its written and spoken form.
� Advancement in technology.
� A strong centralized government that formulates and implements laws.
1. Which of the following is a modern-day example of the characteristic surplus food?
a) Public education
b) Theaters, museums, music hall
c) Dictators
d) Food processing factories
2. The belief system of civilization is a description of what characteristics of civilization?
a) Trade
b) Planned infrastructure
c) Accumulated knowledge
d) Organized religion
3. Creative and cultural expression through music, dance, sculpture, paintings, and architecture is a description of what characteristics of civilizations?
a) Organized religion
b) System of tribute
c) Economy
d) Arts
4. Having access to more food than a civilization needs, through farming, hunting, etc. is a definition of what characteristics of civilizations?
a) Trade
b) Arts
c) System of tribute
d) Surplus food
5. The exchange of goods or services for something else is a description of what characteristics of civilizations?
a) Arts
b) system of tribute
c) Surplus food
d) Trade
MCQs - 2
1. The Mesopotamian civilization flourished on the bank of which river?
a) Tigris
b) Nile
c) Hwang Ho
d) Tigris and Euphrates
2. Which civilization flourished on the bank of the Nile river?
a) Mesopotamian
b) Chinese
c) Indus Valley
d) Egyptian
3. The Stone Age is called so because of its :
a) Abundance of stone houses
b) Scarcity of stones
c) Abundance of stone statues
d) Abundance of stone tools
4. Agriculture was discovered during:
a) Stone age
b) Mesolithic age
c) Palaeolithic age
d) Neolithic age
5. Mesopotamia is situated in:
a) Africa
b) Eastern Asia
c) Europe
d) Western Asia
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Hammurabi: Code of Hammurabi Laws - Mesopotamian Civilization
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