Transforming compound sentences into simple sentences involves breaking down sentences with multiple clauses into concise, single-clause statements. This process enhances clarity and readability by simplifying complex ideas. For instance, the compound sentence "She was tired, so she went to bed early" can be simplified to "She went to bed early due to tiredness." This skill is valuable in writing, ensuring communication is direct and effective.
In this blog, we will learn how to transform compound sentence into simple sentence.
Rules of Transformation
We can convert a compound to simple sentence by reducing the number of clauses into one.
1. Let us take an example
He got up and walked away.
(This is a Compound sentence)
Now its corresponding simple sentence will become
Getting up, he walked away.
Note, Here we reduced the clause 'He got up' into the participial phrase 'getting up', thereby leaving only one clause in the sentence: 'he walked away".
2. Let us take some more examples
He gave them not only a house but some land also.
(This is a Compound sentence)
Now its corresponding simple sentence will become
Besides a house, he gave them some land also.
Here we reduced the clause 'he gave them not only a house. into the prepositional phrase 'besides a house', thereby leaving only one clause in the sentence: 'he gave them some land also'.
3. Let us take another example
He ran away and thus escaped arrest.
(This is a Compound sentence)
Now its corresponding simple sentence will become
He ran away in order to escape arrest.
Here the clause 'thus escaped arrest' is replaced by the infinitive phrase 'in order to escape arrest', thereby leaving only one clause in the sentence, 'he ran away'.
4. Let us take another example
He was ill and didn't attend the party.
(This is a Compound sentence)
Now its corresponding simple sentence will become
Being ill, he didn't attend the party.
5. Let us take another example
He must run fast or he will not catch the train.
(This is also a Compound one)
Now its corresponding simple sentence will become
He must run fast to catch the train.
Thus we conclude that to convert compound sentences into simple sentences, clauses have to be reduced to participial, prepositional or infinitive phrases ,so that there is only one clause left in the sentence.
Read More: Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives: English Grammar
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction such as
A simple sentence contains a single independent clause with a subject and a predicate.
Simplifying sentences can enhance clarity and conciseness, making the text easier to read and understand.
While many compound sentences can be transformed into simple sentences, some may lose important nuances or context when simplified.
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