Difference Between Jainism and Buddhism - Similarities and Comparison

Let us learn the main difference between Jainism and Buddhism in this blog. But before looking at the difference between Jainism and Buddhism, let us look at the similarities first.


Similarities between Buddhism and Jainism:


(a) The founders of both religions, Buddha and Mahavira had similar backgrounds. They both belonged to the Kshatriya clan and followed the same path. Now, do you know what a clan is?


A clan is a group of people who shares the same interest. For example, people belonging to Kshatriya clans were warriors.


(b) Both sought the attainment of salvation from the cycle of birth and death.
(c) Both were against the ideas given in the Vedas.
(d) Both promoted non-violence.
(e) Monks and nuns of Buddhism and Jainism had to give up the family life and live a life of chastity.

Are you aware of the word �chastity�?


The life of �chastity� in this context means living a life of no desires such as lust, greed for money, etc.


Difference between Jainism and Buddhism:



1. It was a completely new religion in the 6th century BCE and the founder of this religion is Gautam Buddha.
2. It followed a middle path.

Now, what is a middle path, and why does this name come into existence?


The teachings of Buddha are also known as the �middle path� and it is called so because it lies midway between two extremes, Hinduism and Jainism. Where on one hand, Hinduism followed extreme rituals and animal sacrifices, on the other hand, Jainism promoted a harsh way of living by giving up all the luxuries and unnecessary things. Buddhism promoted a way of living that is not too harsh or rigid to follow.


3. It is silent about the existence of God. Although Buddhism was divided into two sects, one of them considered Buddha as God and believed in idol worship. Do you remember the name of this sect? It is called the �Mahayana� sect.


4. It spread far and wide and led to cultural evolution in India.



1. It had been founded long before Mahavira. Mahavira is believed to be the founder of its modern-day form. He was the last of its Trihankaras.

Do you know what the Trihankaras are?


Tirthankaras are religious teachers or saints of Jains, who preached before Mahavira.


2. It believed in hard penance. Here the word �penance� represents an action that is done in order to show that you are sorry for something wrong that you have done. It was a harsh way of living. Basically, it represents self-punishment.


3. It did not believe in the existence of God.


4. It was limited to India. It did not spread beyond Indian shores.


Comparison Between Jainism and Buddhism: MCQs


1. Mahavira and Buddha both belonged to __________ clan.
(a) Shudra
(b) Kshatriya
(c) Brahmin
(d) Vaishyas


2. Buddha�s teachings are also known as ___________.
(a) Doctrines
(b) Preaching
(c) The middle path
(d) The divine path


3. In ______ century BCE, Buddhism came into existence.
(a) 1st
(b) 3nd
(c) 4th
(d) 6th


4. _________ sect believes in idol worship.
(a) Hinayana
(b) Mahayana
(c) Digambara
(d) Shwetambara


5. ________ was limited to India.
(a) Jainism
(b) Hinduism
(c) Buddhism
(d) None of these


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