Board Exam Stress: How to Keep My Child Stress-Free During Exams?


There are two key roles the parents should play during the exam time to reduce the exam stress from their child's head. First is they have to see whether the child is properly studying or not and the second is to keep their child stress-free and calm. We guess the first role is played by everyone but what about the second? It may be challenging for the parents to keep their child calm during examination time.


Right now, everywhere we are watching board exam stress. And it is for both the children and their parents. We decided to share a comprehensive overview of tips for parents to keep their kids stress-free during exams. Just stick to this article and understand every point given below.


1. First is to Prepare a Planner


Not every child follows this but if they do they can reach their goal and always stay stress-free. Just sit with your child and make a planner with them. Here your job is not completed yet. Analyze the planner and check whether the child followed it properly or not.


Guide your child to divide the time according to the subject and make sure to pay extra attention in which he/she scored average marks. Preparing a plan is a wonderful option.


2. Parents should think about Digital distraction


You are here to know �How to help your child beat exam stress� and we just want to say that you should think about digital distraction. Many children can�t stay calm when you take a digital device from them. But we know very well that digital devices are so crucial.


We have a suggestion for you: why don�t you install parental control soon? It is best to keep your child away from the distraction. They will focus more and give their hundred percent. Adapt this strategy today.


3. Trust your child�s abilities


This is one of the integral strategies that you need to follow. We already told you in our previous blog that every child is different. You can�t expect them to score 100/100 in every subject or in every test. A child will be able to perform according to his/her abilities.


If you put too much pressure to score best marks then they can take the exam stress and you know what the result would be. All you have to do is accept limitations. Just trust the abilities and set realistic expectations. This is one of the best tips for parents to keep their kids stress-free during exams.


4. Well-Earned Sleep is significant for them


Besides studying this or that, have you ever seen that your child is giving proper time for a well-earned sleep? If the child is taking an abundance of study pressure and not sleeping well, then he/she can�t score the best you expected or dream of.


The child should get enough sleep because it will calm nerves and yes, good sleep aids to increase memory. Furthermore, it lowers the stress level. You are here to know how to keep your child calm during the exam, then make sure they sleep at least 7-8 hours.


5. Play the role of the Support system all the time


During exam time, children need support from parents most of the time. We are not saying to put your life on hold during their exams but please be around there when they need you the most. They should not feel like no one is supporting them.


It is a bad signal and they will surely take the stress of every exam. Every day ask them if they need something from you and always address any concern. This will help your child overcome test anxiety.


6. Encourage them to do regular exercise


We are talking about how to help your child overcome test anxiety than how we can not mention the regular exercise strategy. The title shouts loud that there is a need to do exercise to stay calm and fresh. The regular exercise strategy helps you to boost your scores, improve the attention, speed of the process, and much more.


Regular exercise improves physical and mental health as you need both to stay focused during the examination time. Many applied this strategy and never got any disappointment. Hope this tip is beneficial for your child.


7. Regular breaks calm them easily


If you encourage your child to study relentlessly then you selected the wrong path. Just for a minute; keep yourself in the shoes of your child and think �Can I study continuously without a break�? We know the answer would be No. And why not because no one can study without a break as everyone needs a rest and wants to do other activities to stay calm and stress-free.


Encourage your child to take breaks in between. Continuous study always brings innumerable stress and makes you feel less calm. Note down this strategy as one of the best tips for parents to keep their kids stress-free during exams.


8. Use the best application all the time


Research says if you operate the eminent mobile application for the purpose of your exam then you can achieve good results. If you are clueless about which e-learning mobile app would be the best then we can suggest you go for Studynlearn. Why?


Many children are under stress because they want a complete solution but couldn�t find any experts. Why take the stress when you have this application at your fingertips? You will get the functionality of �Mentor Support� here from Studynlearn and that can guide you from the simple question to the puzzle one.


Ultimately, there is a feature of �Huge Question Bank� which is not only for the practice but also vigorous for sharing complete analysis. You are always worried about how much you score, whether you know everything or still need an improvement, etc.


This feature of Studynlearn gives you an impeccable experience. You can compare yourself with other test-takers. Try not to stay stressed when you have the best application to answer your every question.


Read more: Self Study: How to Make My Child Study Independently?


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