Let's understand the informal letter format and learn the effective way of writing Informal letters. But first, let's learn what are Informal letters.
What Is An Informal Letter?
Informal letters are personal letters written in an informal tone. Informal letters are written to family, friends, and relatives and also to someone with whom you do not share any professional relations.
However, it does not exclude workers and business partners with whom you share a friendly relationship. The writing is casual and is friendly. format for informal letters
Now that you are aware of what an informal letter is, it is important to know about the informal letter format. Writing a perfect informal letter will require you to learn about the informal letter-writing format as well.
We have shared examples of informal letters for your better understanding. To know more about how to write informal letters, continue reading...
What to Write In An Informal Letter?
In an informal letter, you can write about personal or casual topics. You can catch up with a friend, update them on your life, make plans, express your feelings, share news, or ask for advice. The tone of the letter should be friendly and conversational. Start with a greeting, and use the recipient's name. You can be more relaxed in your writing and use contractions. End the letter with a closing and your signature. Remember to keep the letter brief and to the point, focusing on one or two main ideas. Also, be sincere and avoid anything that may be offensive or hurtful.
Informal Letter Format
A format is a pattern or structure that is to be followed while writing an informal letter. Unlike formal letters, informal letters do not have any particular format as such. However, there is a casual pattern or structure that needs to be maintained. Informal letters can be lengthy as compared to formal ones. format for informal letters
How To Write An Informal Letter?
Below mentioned is a structure that should be followed while writing an informal letter so that your letter looks attractive to the recipient.
These guidelines are followed while letter drafting. Let us learn the format of an informal letter and know how to do effective informal letter writing. Learning informal letter writing format is super easy with the following explanations and informal letter writing tips.
Format of Informal Letter
Format For Informal Letters Contains Below Important Details, Which Need To Be Adhere To While Writing
1. Address
The very first thing that you need to write is the address of the sender. This is written on the left corner of the paper and is the starting point of the letter. Giving your complete address and pin code is a must.
Though it is an informal letter and you are sending it to your friends and relatives, it is essential to write the full address so that the recipient can write back to you. If this letter is for someone staying outside the country, do not forget to mention the country's name.
2. Date
Below the address, the date has to be written i.e. the date when the letter is written. The recipient will know when the letter was written. As far as possible, the date has to be in an expandable form.
3. Greeting
The greeting can be absolutely informal like "Dear Mom" or "Dear Alan". If you are writing a letter to someone of your age, you can mention his or her name after "Dear". If it is for your mother, uncle, aunt or anyone senior to you, you need to write- "Dear Uncle", "dear dad" etc.
You can write "Mr. or Mrs." for someone who is elder to you. For example, if you are writing a letter to your teacher to enquire about her health, you can write- "Dear Mrs. Margaret".
4. Introduction
After this, you will start writing the actual letter. The first Para in your letter should be an introduction. This will set the tone of the full letter. You should start the letter by asking about the recipient's health. Or you may write- "I hope you are in good health". This is the opening stage of the letter.
5. Body of the letter
The entire letter tone should be friendly. But you have to change and adjust the words as and when required. When you are writing to your friend, you can easily use informal and flippant style. But when you are writing to your elders or someone respectable, make sure you do not use any disrespectful words or terms. Your use of words will determine the tone you are using in the conversation.
6. Conclusion
At the end of the letter, you should summarize and say and a warm goodbye. Also, make sure you request them to write back to you.
7. Signature
In the end, you need to put your signatures to close the letter. You can sign off as you want- kind regards, Lots of love, best wishes, etc. Choose the greeting as it suits the occasion.
Still thinking about how to write an informal letter? We have compiled different samples of informal letters that will help you understand informal letter format more clearly.
Now that you are aware of the pattern of informal letters, here is a list of samples of informal letters that will give you a clear view of the format.
Example 1- Congratulating a friend on the board exam results.
96, Dakshinayan road, Rohini
January 16, 2020
Dear Khushi,
I am so excited to know that you have topped your board examinations. It's been a long time since we met. I wish I could congratulate you in person.
Your result has proved how much effort, hard work, and dedication you have given to your exams. I am not shocked by this news because I have known since we were in class 2. You have always been a sincere and hardworking girl. I knew that you were a bit nervous but then I was sure that you would score brilliantly. The only thing I regret is that I couldn't be there with you at the celebration party because I was having my exams then.
Hope to meet you as soon as possible. May parents and grandparents have congratulated you on your success!
With lots of love,
Yours lovingly,
Example 2- Inviting a friend to spend a vacation together.
100, Navyuva Apartment,
Bosebihar Avenue, Kolkata- 26
January 16, 2020
Dear Rudrashahi,
It's been a long time since we met. How are you? I hope you are doing well. I hope this letter finds you in good health.
As you know summer vacation has already started, I was thinking of spending the vacations together in Mumbai. I want to take you out on the city tour as well as introduce my friends and family to you. I would love to go out and have street food with you. We can enjoy some time near Marine Drive.
I am just excited at the thought of and you spending the vacations together. I just hope that you share your response with me and let me know if it is possible for you to come to my place.
With lots of love,
Yours lovingly,
Example 3- Letter to a friend for a speedy recovery
106, Nilambar Apartment, Bosebihar Avenue, Kolkata- 26
January 16, 2020
Dear Mahesh,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. Last week I got to know about your accident and I was highly depressed.
Thank God that he saved you from something very serious. Everything is going to be ok. I had a word with the doctor yesterday and he told me that there is nothing to worry about for the time being. Just a few more days in the hospital and you will be back home! I also talked with your mom and she was very upset with whatever has happened. But now she is happy that you are recovering.
I have good news for you. Your family and friends including me have decided to celebrate once you come back. My brother and other family members are also praying for your speedy recovery. Hope to see you soon and in good health!
Lots of Love,
Yours truly,
Example 4- Letter of appreciation
62, Regency Block, Sarat Chandra Bose Road, Kolkata-19
January 16, 2020
Dear Ratula,
How are you doing? I hope all is well. I just read the novel which you wrote last week in Kolkata. How can someone write so beautifully? Amazing! My father has also appreciated your work and has asked me to tell you that you are doing an incredible job.
I appreciate the words that you have used and the tone. The best part of your novel is that your work is absolutely real and derived from real-life experiences. It shows your writing skills and how much effort you have given to your writing. You have done absolute justice and I am proud of the way you have handled it.
Ratula, it has been two years since we have drifted apart because of our higher studies and career. I hope to meet you soon. Go ahead! The sky is the limit!
With best wishes,
Yours lovingly,
Example 5- Apologizing to a friend
28, Naskarhat road, Near K. L. hospital, New Delhi- 24
January 16, 2020
Dear Mahesh,
I hope you are doing well. I know you are angry with me about what happened at your birthday party. I wish to apologize and I want you to forgive me. I don't our friendship to spoil.
I know whatever has happened was not right. The thing is I was not in a mood that day. My exams were not good and my mother really scolded me. I shouldn't have behaved with you like that. I promise not to behave like that the next time. I am sorry about what I said.
Hope you pardon me for my mistakes. Let's meet if possible! Eagerly waiting for your response!
With love,
Yours truly,
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
An informal letter is a type of non-formal letter that we send to our friends, family, and relations. These are private letters that are not intended for official use. There are a variety of reasons why we write letters to our family and friends.
An informal letter should be written in the following format: Begin with your address. Mention the current date. Dear or name of the person may be used as a salutation or greeting In the first paragraph of the body, inquire about the person's well-being. Write the reason for writing the letter in the next paragraph. After that, compose the conclusion. Close the letter with your name, such as Your sincerely, with affection, a lot of affection
You can begin the letter by addressing the recipient with a greeting such as Hi/Hey/Hello/Dear (name of the person). Then inquire as to how he or she is doing.
There are three different kinds of letters: 1. Formal Letter 2. Informal Letter 3. Semi-formal letter
An informal letter usually has six sections. The Address is the first section. You must write your address (that is, the sender's address) at the very top of the letter. Following it is the date and the recipient's address. The date is frequently written after the sender's address in the format date/month/year. The recipient's address is next. The following format must be used for both sets of addresses: Street name and apartment number City, state, and postal code Country The actual letter is written after the above-mentioned items have been written. You must begin the letter with a greeting, usually in the form of
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