Turkish Invasion in India: Impacts and Consequences Of Invasion

Impact of Turkish Invasion on India

The Turk invasion led to the establishment of Muslim rule over a large part of North India.

Let us learn about the consequences of the Turkish invasion of India

They paved the way for the establishment of the Turko-Afghan Empire in India. Mahmud of Ghazni failed to establish an Empire in India but his raids opened the North-Western gates of India for the foreigners.

Many temples and statues of God and goddess were destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni. Mahmud's most daring raids were made against Kannauj and against Somnath Temple in Gujarat.

As a result of the Turkish invasion in India, Muslim traders helped in promoting India's trade with the Central and West Asian countries and thus increase the wealth of the nation.

They also paved the way for the establishment of the Turko-Afghan Empire in India. The Turks also gave India a centralized administration by which trade received a new momentum. With these invaders, a number of preachers called 'Sufis' came to India.

Who was 'Sufis'?

Sufis were the preaches who preached the principles of love, faith, and dedication to one God. The interaction between Islam and Hinduism had served as a precursor to the beginning of mixed culture in India. This was clearly seen in various forms of art, architecture, music, language, etc. Mahmud of Ghazni also sent Alberuni who was a great scholar, and mathematician. Why do you think, he was sent to India and what did he do?

Alberuni was sent to India to write a book called, Tahqiq-i-Hind. This book described the social, religious, political, and economic conditions of India at that time.

Though Indians know the Turkish ruler as an invader, Mahmud of Ghazni was also a sponsor of art and learning. He also built many mosques and buildings in Ghazni, a small kingdom in Afghanistan.


Impact of Turkish Invasion in India - MCQs

1. With the Turkish invasion in India, a number of preachers called.came to India.
a) Buddhist
b) Trihankaras
c) Persians
d) Sufis

2. Turkish invaders paved the way for the establishment of which Empire in India?
a) Mauryan Empire
b) Afghan-Persia Empire
c) Indo-Afghan Empire
d) Turko-Afghan Empire

3. Somnath Temple is located in which state of India?
a) Tamil Nadu
b) Uttar Pradesh
c) West Bengal
d) Gujarat

4. Which book was written by Alberuni?
a) Shah Namah
b) Rubiyat
c) Sindbad the Sailor
d) Tahqiq-i-Hind

5. Which of the following principles or beliefs was not preached by the Sufis?
a) Love
b) Faith
c) Dedication to one God
d) Charity

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