Types of Bills
The Parliament can introduce new laws as well as change the old ones. Law is first introduced in the form of a bill. A bill is the draft of a proposed law. The Bills can be broadly divided as:
● Money bills
● Financial bills
● Ordinary bills
● Constitution amendment bills
Money bills are the bills that contain only provisions dealing with all or any of the matters in Article 110 of the Constitution. This includes matters related to tax regulations or borrowing of money by the government, the payment into or withdrawal from Contingency or the Consolidated Funds of India, etc. Only those Financial Bills are Money Bills that bear the certificate of the Speaker as such. These can only be introduced in the Lok Sabha. Financial Bills which do not receive the speaker's certificate are of two classes.
● First class contains other matters along with any of the matters specified in Article 110.
● Second class is any Ordinary Bill containing provisions involving expenditure from the Consolidated Fund
Ordinary Bills are draft proposals for ordinary legislation. Constitution Amendment Bill is for the amendment of the Constitution. It can be introduced in either House of Parliament.
Read More: What is Money Bill? Parliament and The Making Of Laws - Class 8 Notes
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