Types Of Plateaus: Intermontane, Volcanic and Dissected Plateaus

Let us learn about pleateaus and different types of plateaus.

What are the oldest landforms on the earth?

The answer is plateaus. A plateau is a highland with a steep slope and a large summit area. It rises abruptly from the surrounding region. Their surface can be plain, rolling or hilly. They occupy a large portion of the Earth's surface. South India and Africa are vast plateaus regions.

Do you know about the dissected plateau?

River and streams cut deep valleys and canyons in the plateau region. This action can change the smooth topography of a plateau into a rugged one. Such a plateau is called a dissected plateau.

What are the two types of plateaus?

Mainly there are two types of plateaus: Intermontane and Volcanic

Intermontane Plateaus

The intermontane plateaus are considered as the highest, largest and the most complex in the world. They are partly or completely enclosed by the mountains. Most of them have been formed along with the mountain ranges which enclose them.

The Tibetan Plateau is the largest and the highest intermontane plateau in the world. It is also called the Roof of the World. Some other examples of plateaus are Plateau of Bolivia in South America, the Mexican Plateau in North America and the Tarim Basin in Asia.

Volcanic Plateau

What do you think, why are they called 'volcanic plateaus'?

These types of plateaus are a result of volcanic activities. These are formed by the work of the fissure flows. It is difficult to locate the fissure from which the lava flow has occurred. The total thickness and the area covered by the lava is extensive.

The lava covered part of Deccan and the Malwa Plateaus of India and the Columbia Plateaus in the region of north-western USA are suitable examples of volcanic plateaus.

Activities on plateaus

The plateau regions are rich in mineral resources and thus, mining is the chief occupation. The grasslands in the plateaus region are extensively used for livestock rearing. Crop farming is possible if the water is available for irrigation.


1. Which of the following is the oldest landform on the earth?
a. Oceans
b. Mountains
c. Plains
d. Plateaus

2. Which of the following group most appropriately represents the types of plateaus?
a. Intermontane and Structural
b. Depositional and Volcanic
c. Volcanic and Structural
d. Intermontane and Volcanic

3. ________ plateaus are considered as the highest and most complex in the world.
a. Volcanic
b. Structural
c. Depositional
d. Intermontane

4. Which of the following is the chief occupation on plateaus?
a. Farming
b. Fish rearing
c. Animal Husbandry
d. Mining

5. Which of the following is NOT an Intermontane plateau?
a. The Tibetan Plateau
b. Plateau of Bolivia
c. The Mexican Plateau
d. Columbia Plateau

Fill in the blanks:

  1. A plain is a relatively flat and low-lying surface.
  2. Depositional plains are formed due to the deposition of sediments.
  3. Drift plains are formed by the deposits brought down by glaciers.
  4. A plateau is a highland with a steep slope and large summit area.
  5. The Tibetan plateau is also known as The Roof of the World.

True or False:

1. Mountains are more populated than plains.

2. Coastal plains lying between the Western Ghats and Arabia sea in India are examples of structural plains.

3. Plateau regions are rich in mineral resources.

4. Tarim Basin is a volcanic plateau. 

5. The surface of a plateau can be plain, rolling or hilly.

Read More: Types Of Plains: Structural, Depositional, Alluvial, Loess and Drift Plains - Class 9


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