What are the five pillars of Islam? Shahada, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, and Haj.

The Five pillars of Islam


The five pillars of Islam are the five duties of Islam. These five duties are Shahada, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, and Haj.


The Muslims have five religious obligations, called the five pillars of Islam. These are some of the basic acts in Islam that are mandatory by the believers and the foundation of Muslim life. Like other religions, Islam holds certain practices to be standard.


Do you know, What are these five pillars?


The five pillars of Islam are �
� Shahada (Profession of faith)
� Salat (Prayer)
� Zakat (Almsgiving)
� Sawm(Fasting)
� Haj(Pilgrimage)


Let us learn about these pillars one by one in detail.


1. Shahada (Profession of Faith) � The first pillar of Islam is the Shahada i.e, the declaration of faith. There are two Shahada � �There is no god but God� and �Muhammad is the messenger of God�. This is said five times a day during prayer.


2. Salat (Prayer) � The second pillar of Islam is the Salat means to offer prayers. A Muslim must offer prayers (namzza) five times a day and on Friday afternoon in a Mosque with the individual facing Mecca.


Do you know, What is the meaning of Zakat?

3. Zakat (Almsgiving) - The third period is Zakat means to provide alms or charity. Zakat means purification which indicates that Muslims have to deduct a certain amount of their income to support the Islamic community. It is essential for all Muslims who are able to do so.


4. Sawm (Fasting) - The fourth pillar of Islam is Sawm means Fasting. Fasting is prescribed in the Quran during the month of Ramadan and sawm is mandatory for all Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan.


Do you know, Why the month of Ramadan is auspicious for Muslims?
The month of Ramadan is scary for the Muslims because the first revelation of the Quran is said to have occurred during this month.


5. Haj (Pilgrimage) - The fifth pillar of Islam is the Haj. A Muslim must make the pilgrimage to Haj (in Mecca) once in his lifetime. The pilgrim is honored in the Muslim community.




1. What does the word �sawm� mean?
a) Pilgrimage
b) Prayer
c) Charity
d) Fasting


2. Which of the following is the first pillar of Islam?
a) Zakat
b) Haj
c) Salat
d) Shahada


3. Who is called the messenger of God?
a) Prophet Umar
b) Prophet Usman
c) Prophet Aslam
d) Prophet Muhammad


4. Which of the following is the fifth pillar of Islam?
a) Zakat
b) Salat
c) Sawm
d) Haj


5. How many times do Muslims offer prayer in a day?
a) 6
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5


What are the 5 pillars of Islam and what do they mean?

The five pillars of Islamic practise are the expression of faith (shahada), prayer (salah), alms-giving (zakat), fasting (sawm), and pilgrimage (hajj). Muslims all across the world accept them, regardless of ethnic, regional, or sectarian distinctions.�

What are the 5 pillars of Islam quizlet?

Faith, Charity, Prayer, Pilgrimage, and Fasting are some of the virtues that Muslims practise. Believe in a single god and Muhammad as the prophet.


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