What is Money Bill? Parliament and The Making Of Laws - Class 8 Notes

Money Bills

The procedure followed for Money Bills is a little different. As you already know, it can be introduced only in the Lok Sabha. And unlike other bills the Rajya Sabha has to return them within fourteen days from the day it receives the bill. If the Money Bill is not returned by the Rajya Sabha within fourteen days it is taken as passed by both Houses of Parliament.

And if the Rajya Sabha suggests changes in the bill it is not necessary that the Lok Sabha should accept them. The Lok Sabha has an upper hand in the case of Money Bills. There is no provision of a joint-sitting in case of Money Bills.


In special circumstances, when the Parliament is not in session, the President can issue an Ordinance to deal with a particular situation. It is valid as a law for six months. But it has to be made officially valid by the Parliament within six weeks of its next meeting.

Other Functions

Parliament has other functions apart from making laws. For example, Financial functions, control over the Executive, Judicial functions, etc.

Read More: Types Of Bills: Money, Financial, Ordinary, & Constitution Amendment

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