What is Panchayati Raj? Gram Sabha -Class 6 Civics Notes

The Panchayati Raj

The Panchayati raj provides a system of self-governance at the village level. Through this process, people participate in their own government. The vision of Mahatma Gandhi, father of the nation, to empower the villages has been translated into a reality through the three-tier system of the Panchayati Raj.

In this three-tier system, at the root or the village level, we find the gram panchayats. Above the village is the block level. At the block level, we find the panchayat samiti or the janpad panchayat. Above the Panchayat Samiti is the Zila parishad or the district panchayat. All the three-tier fulfill the needs and solve the problems of the rural areas, together they are known as Panchayati Raj.

Gram Sabha

Gram sabha literally means a meeting of the village. All the men and women in the village who are above 18 years of age and have the right to vote are members of the gram sabha. A gram sabha could be only for one village or more than one village depending upon the area covered by a panchayat. In a way, it is the general body meeting of the village.

The Meeting of the gram sabha is held to ensure the development of the people through their participation and mutual cooperation in the decision-making process. It plays a crucial role in electing the members of the panchayat and making the panchayat fulfill its role and responsibilities. All the plans that the panchayat wants to implement are thoroughly discussed and placed before the gram sabha for consideration and approval.

For example, the annual budget and development schemes for the village are discussed in the gram sabha. The different problems and difficulties of the people are also discussed in the gram sabhas.

The gram sabha acts as a check on the panchayat and prevents it from misusing its power in any way. The elected representative of the panchayat is answerable to the people for their actions. The work that they do needs to be approved by the gram sabha.

Read More: What is Gram Panchayat? Panchayati Raj - Class 6 Civics Notes

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